Monday, 14 May 2012


When Tim West and I decided to open a bookshop in 2007, we had no real idea of what we were doing. Yes, we'd worked in bookshops for a long time and we could add up and talk and press buttons. But opening a shop, starting a new business, talking to solicitors, borrowing £60k for the bank. All that jazzy stuff was new to us. It was also a massive learning curve and we relied on lots of help and advice to make it work. We still do as a matter of fact. (thanks).

When Tim West and I decided to open a bookshop in 2007, we started a blog. It was called 'Open a Bookshop, What Could Possibly Go Wrong' (subtitle; '2 blokes, one shop, no idea'). On this blog we chronicled the whole adventure from day one. We tried to be as honest and open as possible about our attempts to make the bookshop a reality. Sometimes we were perhaps too honest. But that was the point, I guess. To share our journey.

In a similar vein, I am very new to this Publishing lark. The new book by Joseph D'Lacey will be the second book I publish. The first one is called London Tales by Greg Stekelman and it's ever so good. You should probably buy it.
Anyway, back to the point. I have decided that throughout the whole of the process of publishing this book I shall try and share as much of the experience with you as I can on this here blog. I'll talk about choosing the titles for the collection, editing, printing, getting ISBNs (which i didn't do with the first book), marketing and loads more stuff besides. I will no doubt make 'hilarious' mistakes, and I will no doubt rely on you lot to help me out along the way. But I will be totally honest about stuff. I hope it's worth reading and maybe will give you an insight into one way of publishing books.

It's always slightly scary doing new things, so having a place where I can share my thoughts will help me too.

Right, so that bit about helping. You decide the title of the book. Click on one the 4 choices on the top right hand side of this page.
SEE? You're helping already. It works!

Thanks for reading.

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